Please read our FAQs page before you make your application.

Please say if you are applying as a single artist or as a collaborative pair
If applying for a collaborative pair, please provide details for just ONE contact and include the name of your partner in the boxes below, where it says SECOND ARTIST.
Fill this in with the name of the second artist in the partnership, only if you are applying as a collaborative pair.
Please give URLs where we can see or hear your work and find out more about you.
You can also let us see your work if it’s on social media. Please let us know if it’s Twitter, Instagram etc
Please select as many as you can. We are unlikely to offer more than one week to any artist(s).
Please let us know if (either of) you are a member of these organisations.
Maximum 150 words. Collaborative pairs should provide details of BOTH artists.
Maximum 200 words. Tell us how you would like to use your time at The Red House, including why a residency would be a particular advantage over your usual work environment.
Each house has a piano/keyboard and internet access, but please tell us if you need any special equipment you cannot bring with you.
For the main Contact
For the other artist in a collaborative pair, if applicable.
Where will you be travelling from?
How would you get to The Red House? We don’t usually cover the cost of travel, but if this is prohibitive, members of The Ivors Academy (or those who wish to join) can apply for a bursary from the Ivors Academy Trust. Please see the FAQs page after you have submitted your application.
Please also let us know about, for instance, any accessibility or health issues, or anything you feel the form has missed out. If you are a collaborative pair and you intend to travel separately, let us know here.