Not a physical book but our growing portfolio of new commissions…
This page is still under development. Every piece we commission is listed here – eventually we will list a first page, and a link to where to buy the published material.
Brourman, Michele
Black Day in July (original song by Gordon Lightfoot, b. 1938)
voice and piano
commissioned 2018
Five Hundred Miles (original song by Hedy West, b.1938)
voice and piano
commissioned 2018
Sweet Survivor (original song by Peter Yarrow, b. 1938)
voice and piano
commissioned 2018
Carrington, Simon
For Nothing (orginal song by Amanda McBroom)
solo voice, choir, and piano
commissioned 2019
Corigliano, John
The Passionate Shepherd To His Love (poem by C. Marlowe)
voice and piano
commissioned (with Wigmore Hall) 2018
Gardner, Bobbie-Jane
Hit or Miss (original song by Odetta)
two voices and piano trio
commissioned 2022
Hyde, Thomas
Two Machine Songs from Edinburgh (texts by Muriel Spark & Alexander McCall Smith)
for mezzo-soprano and piano.
Commissioned 2021.
Keegan-Bole, Arthur
Three Poets’ Cats (text from Emily Dickinson, Christopher Smart and Elena Passarello)
duet for mezzo-soprano, tenor, and electronics
commissioned 2020, for the launch of Jeoffry: The Poet’s Cat by Oliver Soden, then further commissioned in 2021 to expand the cycle.
Martlew, Zoë
five songs for voice and piano
commissioned 2019
Mitchell, Conor
Look Both Ways (texts by Peter Pears and Benjamin Britten, with permission of Britten Pears Arts)
cycle for two voices (medium high and medium low) and piano trio
Commissioned in partnership with Cheltenham Music Festival 2022
Richards, Emma-Ruth
Violated Blosssoms
voice and cello
commissioned 2019
Roberts, Claire Victoria
Like ships adrift
piano trio
commissioned in partnership with Cheltenham Music Festival 2022
Robertson, Lisa
Speak Up
voice and piano
commissioned (with Cheltenham Music Festival) 2019
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